Welcome to the 80th edition of The Catch Block!

In this edition: yet another week filled with .NET drama, this time involving the brand new Hot Reload feature in .NET 6.

Royal George Theatre
Take your seats please! The show is about to begin. Photo by Annie Gavin / Unsplash

Plus: a breakdown of the OWASP Top Ten; explaining C# compiler errors; VS 2022's visual refresh; creating a search engine; and Space Cadet Pinball returns from the dead!

More .NET Drama with Hot Reload

On October 20th, Microsoft released a blog post all about the new Hot Reload feature available in .NET 6 and how Visual Studio 2022 could be used with it.

Update on .NET Hot Reload progress and Visual Studio 2022 Highlights
Updating progress and all the wonderful features towards .NET Hot Reload and Visual Studio 2022 Highlights.

Buried in that post was a particular sentence that set off yet another wave of .NET drama:

"With these considerations, we’ve decided that starting with the upcoming .NET 6 GA release, we will enable Hot Reload functionality only through Visual Studio 2022 so we can focus on providing the best experiences to the most users."

Yep, Microsoft announced that Hot Reload, one of its most requested features, would only be available in Visual Studio 2022. Meaning that people write .NET code using JetBrains Rider or other IDEs would be out of luck.

As you might imagine, the community revolted:

Can we trust Microsoft with Open Source? - Dusted Codes
Oh boy, what a week of .NET drama again. Not bored yet? Read on, but for this one you’ll need some ...

The real kicker, though, seems to be this article from The Verge:

Microsoft angers the .NET open source community with a controversial decision
Microsoft has made a last-minute change to .NET 6 that could backfire.

Whether or not this was a business decision or some other kind, I have no idea. From the outside, it looks like MS was wanting to promote the usage of one of its flagship products.

However, just a couple days ago (and one day after The Verge published the above article), MS reversed course and added back Hot Reload to .NET 6 as a native feature:

Which resulted in the official blog post announcing the change:

.NET Hot Reload Support via CLI
Last week, our blog post and the removal of the Hot Reload capability from the .NET SDK repo led to a lot of feedback from the community. First and foremost, we want to apologize. We made a mistake in executing on our decision and took longer than expected to respond back to the community.

So it looks like those of you, Dear Readers, who develop using something other than VS 2022 will still be able to get the Hot Reload goodness!

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